When you borrow money, interest costs will be a critical factor and fluctuations in interest rates may have an undesirable impact on your results. Handelsbanken can help you to manage this interest rate risk.
Benefiting from interest rate risk management
We offer solutions that can help you protect yourself against adverse fluctuations in interest rates. This can help you to ensure that you do not exceed your budgeted interest rate cost. Our products enable you to increase or reduce your interest rate exposure in a controlled manner.
Solutions include:
- Using an interest rate swap to convert a floating rate exposure to a fixed rate instead of renegotiating your underlying funding.
- Buying an interest rate cap to determine what your maximum interest rate is going to be. Different variations and structures are available to meet your specific needs.
These are just some of the examples of how Handelsbanken can help you manage your interest rate risk. To find out more, contact your local branch who will be able to provide you with further details.