Set Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure password

When making a purchase online, checkout by entering your Handelsbanken card details. Sometimes we may ask you to confirm the payment by sending you a Verification Code and asking you to enter your Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure password*, to check that it is you.

Before you can set or reset the password you will need a password-setting letter or a code envelope. 

If you don't have one you'll need to call Customer Support on 0800 470 8000 or contact your branch.

* Your Handelsbanken Mastercard and Visa cards use the same password.

Getting started

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You will need your mobile phone and password-setting letter or code letter before you start.

There are three steps to set or reset your Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure password. 

After completing these, your Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure password will be ready to use.

Protecting your password

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We will never ask you for your password, or for any codes that we have sent to you.

Never tell anyone this information.