
Fraud and security

Latest scams

new company analyzing data - Handelsbanken.se

Bank impersonation calls

Scammers pose as Handelsbanken staff, claiming there’s an issue with your account. They may ask you to transfer money, provide security details, or log in using your card reader. Remember: We will never call unexpectedly and ask you to move money or provide your log-on details.

If you're a personal customer

Common scams, what they look like and how you can protect yourself.
Man smiling in the office

If you're a business customer

How to keep your business and employees safe.
Företag boka möte - Handelsbanken.se

You're in control

Please remember it’s OK to hang up or cut contact if you’re uncomfortable, no matter who you think you’re speaking to. Don’t worry about being rude – if it’s really us we won’t mind. In fact we’re happy for you to do this.

Be sceptical. Be suspicious. Stay safe.

As a Handelsbanken customer, you’re able to pick up the phone and hear a familiar voice. If something’s actually wrong with your accounts, we can tell you what to do.

Shop with confidence

couple sitting in a kitchen  - Handelsbaken.se
Online shopping should be easy and secure. Fraudsters use fake websites, phishing emails, and too-good to be true deals to trick shoppers. Learn how to spot scams, protect your payment details and shop with a peace of mind.

Take a look at Take Five


We’ve signed up to the national ‘Take Five’ charter which offers impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from financial fraud. It’s led by UK Finance and delivered through a range of organisations across financial services, law enforcement and commercial and public sector.

Additional support

Knowing how fraudsters work is one of the best ways to protect yourself. You'll find organisations here who are dedicated to fighting fraud and podcasts from our very own fraud experts, to help to stay one step ahead of scams.


Report a fraud

Contact us immediately if you think you've been the victim of fraud or notice anything unusual on your account.