The Board aims to promote the long-term success of Handelsbanken plc, deliver sustainable value to shareholders and encourage a culture of openness and debate.
It has responsibility for ensuring that the Bank is managed effectively and in the best interests of its shareholder, customers, employees, its subsidiary (Handelsbanken Wealth & Asset Management Limited), and regulators and other stakeholders.
In addition, it also sets the strategy and risk appetite, and approves capital and operating plans for achieving strategic objectives on the recommendation of management.
The Board has nine members. In addition to the chairman, the Board consists of six non-executive directors (four of whom are independent), two executive directors, the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer.
The role of the independent non-executive directors is to challenge and scrutinise the performance of management, including executive directors, and to help develop proposals on strategy. They also review the performance in meeting agreed goals and objectives, and monitor the Bank’s risk profile.
The non-executive directors have strong and relevant experience. To ensure the Board continues to have an appropriate balance of skills, these skill sets are reviewed annually through the completion of a skills matrix which is considered by the Nomination Committee and the Board.