
Property insights

Local market expertise

Colleagues in our extensive branch network can offer expert insights into local property markets to help you when you’re looking to start, or grow, a property portfolio.

2024 Property Investor Report

Our third Property Investor Survey reveals how investors in the wider market feel about the sector and what changes they are expecting to see in the next year.

The average portfolio comprised 35 properties, with the mean individual property value across all portfolios standing at £263,900.

Key insights include:

  • 72% would welcome legislation raising the minimum EPC rating to A
  • More than 95% say tenants have asked for some sort of sustainable property feature in the past year
  • 44% expect demand for commercial property to increase significantly over the next 12 months
  • East of England and North East England cited as most attractive regions  

“The adjustments to capital valuations, often masked by inflation, as well as increase to rents, have resulted in property once again delivering a premium over gilt yields and opened up the potential for attractive opportunities as the economic recovery progresses."

James Sproule, Chief UK Economist

2024 Property Investor Report

Read what else our poll revealed in the Handelsbanken Property Investor Report.

Our previous property reports

2023 report

Our 2023 Property Investor Report revealed investors were pivoting their plans towards commercial property because they were seeing opportunities in that area for example to convert office premises into residential spaces. The majority were also planning to expand their portfolio. Other insights:

  • Six out of 10 are set to acquire more properties in the year ahead 
  • 92% expect to see valuations rebound 
  • London and South East cited as most attractive regions 
  • 24% can't afford to upgrade their portfolio to meet new environmental standards

2022 report

In 2022 we commissioned our first Property Investor Report. We asked a panel of investors for their views on a range of topics including investment outlook, sustainability and succession planning. Some of the highlights were:

  • 86% of investors expect a rise in demand for residential property 
  • 53% of our panel say London is the most attractive region for investment
  • Over half of our panel have no succession planning in place for their property business
  • 74% told us they needed to upgrade their portfolios to comply with EPC regulations

Property financing

a cottage
With local knowledge, a unique approach and personal service, our expert team can help with finance for residential or commercial property, agricultural estates or a bespoke asset portfolio.