If there’s a problem with something you've bought with your Handelsbanken cards, speak to the retailer first.
In most cases this is the quickest way to get your money back.
However, if that doesn't work, ask us to help. We may be able to use the Mastercard chargeback service to get your money back, if:
- You don't receive the goods or services you've paid for (including when the retailer has gone out of business)
- The goods you receive are faulty, counterfeit or defective
- You're charged the wrong amount
- You're charged for a subscription you've already cancelled
- You haven’t got a refund you’re expecting
- Your account shows a cash machine withdrawal, but you haven’t got all (or any) of the cash.
We usually need to make a claim within 120 days of the transaction, or when the goods or services were meant to arrive, although this can vary.
We may need supporting evidence for your claim, such as proof of purchase and evidence of what's wrong, so have that ready. Mastercard have the final decision about whether a claim will be paid.
Chargeback is different to the protection you get for credit card transactions under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act (where you can claim against the card provider as well as the retailer). This is because that protection doesn't apply to debit or charge cards.
Don't recognise a transaction?
Check our common reasons for not recognising a transaction first.